Support CFS
The founders of Carolina Friends School imagined a better world. And they established our School with the hope and the intention that we would play a part in creating one. With your support, Carolina Friends School will continue to create an educational experience, here, now, and for years to come that reflects the world we wish to live in.
Full tuition covers only about 84% of the total cost of a year's educational experience. We rely on annual giving and endowments to realize the aspirations of our teachers and the potential of our students. Your tax-deductible contributions make a Carolina Friends School education more affordable to more students and help us create a vibrant, dynamic, and diverse community. A better world begins here, with your help.
Our donors provide us with opportunities to innovate and offer experiences for students that might not otherwise be achievable. They make education at Carolina Friends School attainable to a broader group of people. And, as our donors connect their passions and their dreams with the School’s aspirations, they are valued thought partners in imagining what is possible.
Karen Cumberbatch, Head of School
Support Carolina Friends School with your generous gift.