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Our Board of Trustees consists of current and former parents and grandparents, alumni, educators, and members of local Quaker Meetings, all dedicated to supporting the mission and philosophy of Carolina Friends School.

The Board sets broad policies regarding the School’s operation, oversees long range planning and the hiring of the Head of School (HOS). The authority to hire staff is delegated to the Head. Curriculum development and management of the daily operations of the School are undertaken by the HOS, the Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning, and staff.

The Board is composed of up to twenty-three members drawn from each of the Friends Meetings in Durham and Chapel Hill, and co-opted members appointed by the Board. Natasha Nazareth serves as legal advisor. Our current standing committees are Executive, Business, Governance, Advancement, Equity & Justice, Facilities, Quaker Character, Investment and Audit. Except for the Executive Committee, (whose members are chosen by the Board Clerk), Trustees sort themselves onto the committees to which they feel led.

Most full Board meetings are open meetings, and are listed on the online All-School calendar. If you are interested in attending meetings, please check with the Main Office Administrative Assistant to confirm meeting location and times. You may also read executive summaries of past meetings, or view the full Minutes of Board meetings by appointment (they are stored in the Center Building after approval by the full Board at the next subsequent meeting).

Look for Board members at school events - you'll recognize us wearing the same permanent nametags as staff, and you may reach us by emailing

We're eager to meet members of the CFS community!

I consider my Friends Select School experience the best gift my parents ever gave me, and I vowed I would send my children to a Friends school. Carolina Friends was the best possible environment and learning experience for each of my four wildly different children. Giving back in any way I can to a community that has given so much to my family is a no-brainer. Cindy Harper Covington, Trustee

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

Clerk: Mark Kuhn

Members from the Durham and Chapel Hill Meetings

Co-Opted Members

Members Emeriti

Quaker Values

We are both intentionally secular and deeply informed by the Quaker values of our founders.

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