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Carolina Friends School

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Parent-Staff Association

The mission of the Parent-Staff Association (PSA) is to foster a strong, cohesive all-school community.

We do this by:

  • coordinating, supporting, and sharing volunteer-based efforts across all units of the school
  • communicating through the monthly email newsletter for Carolina Friends families, Around Our Circle, community meetings, and the online school calendar
  • creating learning and social opportunities for parents, families, alumni, staff, board, and the larger community.

Family members representing all units have joined together throughout our history to foster support and create an environment that makes every community member feel welcome and valued.

Please join us! Getting involved with the PSA is a fun and rewarding way to meet other parents/guardians and staff members and to take an active role in our school community. All voices are welcome as are new ideas and ways to support our students and families. 

Please feel free to contact us or any of the committee co-conveners with any questions, suggestions or concerns. We would love to hear from you. Please direct inquiries to:



Dalia Mack (US); Lindsey Bennett (LS/MS); Lucia Jones (ES/LS) 

Staff Liaison: Julee LaPorte

In addition to the PSA, Carolina Friends offers affinity groups for parents and caretakers facilitated by our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity.


Get Connected

Learn more about opportunities for involvement with the PSA and share your areas interest.

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