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Carolina Friends School

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Beloved Community Journey 2028

Picture of Civil Right mural from Carolina Friends School's Civil Rights Bus Tour

Exploring Racial Justice Issues, Past and Present, in the South

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Spring 2028

In June 2023 and again in March 2024, an amazing group of participants from the Triangle and as far as Virginia, Illinois, Minnesota, and Japan, ages 30 to 72, made this trip. The power of these six days together lead us to repeat the opportunity in 2028. 

This six-day/five-night experience is for individuals within and beyond the CFS community, including educators in schools and colleges as well as Friends meeting members and other curious adults.

Experience civil rights history in Birmingham, Selma, Montgomery, Tuskegee, and Atlanta; explore contemporary issues of race in our country; and meet change-agents working to make a difference.

As we travel, enjoy music of the movement, see documentaries and film clips, and learn from our experienced historian tour leader.

One Summer 2023 participant described her experience as a "solidarity pilgrimage...[a] journey to the worlds of others as we seek to humble ourselves, broaden our perspective, and respond with action.” Glimpse the power of possibility for yourself in Nyra's reflections.

Be educated. Be challenged. Be inspired. Be empowered.

Here's a one-page flyer you can share with a friend.

Educators, learn more about professional growth programs for you through the Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Journey Itinerary

Ebenezer Baptist Church's Senior Pastor (& US Senator) Raphael Warnock introduces our Summer 2023 tour group & then talks about the Quakers' opposition to slavery

Tour Organizer

Other Information

Other Transformational Travel-Learning Opportunities

Until we reckon with history, we’re not going to be free. I think there’s something better waiting for us that we can’t get to until we talk honestly about our past. 

Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, Montgomery; Author of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption