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Carolina Friends School

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Student Success Program

Students at work on an outdoor bench

Carolina Friends School contracts with professional tutors and coaches to provide services to our students on our campus both during the school day and after school. Student Success staff members have had background checks and are experienced in their respective fields.

We are restructuring the Student Success Program for the 2023-2024 school year, and will be updating our information here soon.

Support Offered By Student Success

Remedial Tutoring

  • Designed to reteach material that the student did not master in class
  • Involves specialized teaching methods designed to enhance understanding 
  • Two sessions per week recommended

Classroom Support Tutoring

  • Designed to bolster the student’s understanding of current classroom instruction
  • May involve extra practice or specific teaching methods

Homework Helper Tutoring

  • Designed to supervise and support a child’s homework 
  • Academic support provided as needed


  • Designed to support the student in managing time, planning, and organizational issues
  • Guides students in developing goals for completing responsibilities, both in and out of school 
  • Student reports daily to the coach daily on progress toward weekly goals
  • Coaches meet with students once a week

Meet Our Tutors and Coaches

Diantha Daniels

Diantha Daniels

Student Success Tutor
Gillian Harper

Gillian Harper

Student Success Tutor
Ben Harris

Ben Harris

Student Success Tutor, Student Success Coach
Erin Juliano

Erin Juliano

Math Teacher, Student Success Tutor
Rosemary McNiel

Rosemary McNiel

Student Success Tutor
Melissa Merres

Melissa Merres

Student Success Coach
Caitlin Prillaman

Caitlin Prillaman

Registrar, Student Success Tutor
Elizabeth Sloughter

Elizabeth Sloughter

Student Success Tutor
Lindsay Vail

Lindsay Vail

Student Success Tutor, Student Success Coach
Lori Weiss

Lori Weiss

Student Success Tutor
Sherry Wilshire-Eshelman

Sherry Wilshire-Eshelman

Student Success Tutor