A Pre-K to Grade 12 Independent Quaker Day School Serving the Greater Durham-Chapel Hill Area

Afghan Sister School Partnership

The Afghan Sisters Schools Partnership (ASSP) is a long-term service learning and peace education project rooted in the belief that peace and education are the rights of children everywhere.

Since 2004, CFS students have exchanged thousands of handwritten pen pal letters with students at Topchi School in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Students halfway across the world, along with their teachers and families, build trust, nurture empathy, and gain cultural understanding. Throughout the school year, ASSP brings CFS students lessons in cooking, Dari language, and arts & crafts. ASSP also sponsors documentary films and brings speakers to the community. Sustained by parent volunteers, staff, and our AFCO partners (Afghan Friendship and Cooperation Organization), ASSP is an inspiring model of a collaborative, peace education project; supporting education, in particular for Afghan girls, is an act of peace.

Through Pizza Lunch Fundraisers, ASSP has provided the Topchi School in Bamiyan, Afghanistan with everything from computers, science and playground equipment to a library and solar panels. Over 750 students (half of them girls) now benefit from a high school education that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago and more and more are attending university.

Salaam aalaikum - Peace be with you.

How You Can Help

  • Serve pizza on Wednesdays
  • Volunteer during pen pal letter writing days
  • Help with chili dinner on Sports Nights
  • Bake sweets for sale
  • Collect Box Tops for Education
  • Join the Planning Committee

To inquire, please contact Amy Smoker (AmySmoker88@gmail.com).