A Pre-K to Grade 12 Independent Quaker Day School Serving the Greater Durham-Chapel Hill Area

Our Upper School Program

Students in the Upper School are encouraged to take an active role in their own education, joining their teachers in a partnership that fosters the sharing of knowledge and exchange of ideas.

This sense of collaboration pervades our curriculum; through increasingly challenging and varied course offerings, we seek not just good answers, but good questions and fresh insights. Custom scheduling allows individual students to move at their own pace and level while focusing on a favorite discipline or sampling a range of new experiences.

You’ll find that we often quote the last phrase of our mission statement: “We teach our children that it is possible to change the world.” In the Upper School we do our best to keep that sense of possibility alive by offering our students a respect for knowledge, a sense of caring for the community, and an awareness of the importance of lives engaged in pursuing truth, peace, and social justice.

Nearly 22 years after graduating from CFS, what causes me to still care so much about this school and this community can be captured in the word “home.” It doesn’t matter where in the world I’m living, or what I’m up to, or how well I’m doing, Carolina Friends School always feels like home. Through the fellow Friends I’m still so closely connected to, the principles that still guide me, the memories that still inspire me, or just a quiet sense of peace and spirituality inside of me, this place never stops providing me with a feeling of unconditional love that can only come from home.
– Mike Iskandar ’97

Jon Lepofsky

Jon Lepofsky

Upper School Head Teacher